Monday, November 30, 2009

Missed a few days...was away...Day 22

Okay, so I missed a few days but I had no choice...I was in Michigan celebrating the US Thanksgiving with my family there. That's all part of being well too, spending time with family that you enjoy and sharing a few laughs. My weekend started out with my two nieces and I heading off to Michigan after supper on Thursday. Actually, I should back up a few hours...Thursday morning went to the Y with my friend Jane and we did our workout that the trainer had set up for us. I felt good...I felt proud. Okay, so, now back on our way to Michigan...The girls and I had planned on doing some shopping there, I know-you figured that! So, not much sleep for the girls (about 3 hrs) and none for me, we headed out to the malls at 3:30 in the morning...CRAZY!! But still fun...we were all very happy with our purchases, the crowds and the line ups were interesting and we never encountered one miserable person. It was lovely! (Even me falling over backwards in the Jerry Garcia underwear was funny!!) We did a lot of walking, a lot of hurry up walking and then in the afternoon, had a nap...much needed of course. Friday night, my other sister Tracy and her husband Jim and my Joe joined us. We all went out for dinner and then spent the rest of the night playing games. I was a little overtired and had a little too much red wine (its good for your heart though) but had a great night with everyone! Lots of laughs (oh, and I certainly had a healthy dinner-house salad, dressing on the side, sweet potatoe and grilled salmon) Saturday we did a little more shopping, so not much walking and this is when we had our turkey dinner...again, lots of family time, lots of laughter and a little prayer of thanks. Sure makes the heart feel good! So back home on Sunday, my arthritis is really kicking in, I think the lack of meds and the lack of sleep are playing a role in that. My mouth is making me upset as well...I fear that my test results will come back positive and that I will indeed have Sjogren's Syndrome....funny the things you miss when you don't have saliva...Anyway, I missed a day in my 22 days and believe it or not, I am sorry for that. But it was pouring rain out all day and I was exhausted so I guess I needed the break. Today, Monday, back to the Y and then tonight walking with Tracy to WW....I am NOT looking at the numbers. LOL...especially after a full bottle of wine...ouch..But I don't do it often and in fact, probably won't for a long time again cause the alcohol dehydrates you anyway and I certainly don't need any help with that!! So, I will chat with you all (or just me?) again tomorrow...I am on a roll again and we'll see how many days I can go...Hey, speaking of that, did you join my Walk Thru December??? Check it out...inspired by my friend JoAnn at THE WALKING CONNECTION

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